
[late pledge] Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City - The Board Game

Created by CMON

Take control of ruthless gangs vying for dominance over the criminal underworld in the glittering hellhole that is Night City.

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Veteran Homecoming
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 03, 2022 at 01:19:53 AM

Hey, choomba!

Iris may work well alone, but together we have unlocked her Stretch Goal!

We also had some help from our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Motor Pool Expansion. Make sure to check it out here, if you haven't yet!

Our next Stretch Goal was a formal military operative discharged after suffering from PTSD.

If we reach $535k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive William Hare for all backers, including his figure and Edgerunner card!

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

William Hare is a Solo Edgerunner. His ability revolved around the Cyberpsychosis Combat card.

If any gang, you or your opponents, play the Cyberpsychosis in a firefight, he becomes invulnerable and cannot be killed in that combat. Your opponents need to be extra wary to use that card.

Also, performing this feat will also net you some sweet Street Cred. If you have an extra ability that returns a Combat card to your hand after a fight, nothing will stand in William Hare's way. 

3D render of William Hare, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

Until the next one, C-YA.

If You Want Something Done…
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 03:53:54 AM

Hey, choomba!

The twins are unlocked and are here to mess up your opponents!

Unlocking Esquerdo Certo and Certo Esquerdo comes in the heels of our recently announced Kickstarter Exclusive Motor Pool expansion, which adds the brand-new Vehicles mechanic to the game! Check it out below if you haven't yet:

Our next Edgerunner Stretch Goal prefers working alone.

If we reach $510k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Iris Tanner for all backers, including her figure and Edgerunner card! 

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

Drones are the building blocks of any gang. Not only do they count towards Dominance in a district, but Techies can also mobilize all their drones at will, reinforcing friendlies in neighboring districts. Drones can also take the brunt of the damage in firefights, preventing casualties that may occur otherwise, making them essential to any battle strategy.

As an extremely skilled and effective Techie Edgerunner,  Iris Tanner is able to build drones in her district when you use a Techie action. While regular Techies only build drones when they're hired or recruited, Iris Tanner is unique that she can bring extra drones onto the field every time you use a Techie action, filling Night City with an army of her personal drones.

3D render of Iris Tanner, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

Until the next one, C-YA.

Gear Up for the Motor Pool!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 03:25:38 AM

Wake the heck up, Samurais!

Only gonks and straphangers take the NCART in Night City, but you’re not one of them. Whether you’re looking for a sports car to tune-up for your next street race, a Hypercar to travel with utmost security, or a weaponized tank to terrorize your opponents, there’s always a vehicle out there for you. 

For $40, the Kickstarter Exclusive Motor Pool Expansion adds 10 vehicles, vehicle opportunity cards, and a brand-new story to play in Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City! It also includes a friendly face you may recognize when chilling at the Afterlife: Claire Russell!

The Motor Pool Expansion comes with:

  • 1 Vehicle Market Board
  • 10 Vehicle Figures
  • 10 Vehicle Cards
  • 20 Color Bases (10 colors)
  • 1 Edgerunner Figure
  • 1 Edgerunner Card
  • 6 Opportunity Cards
  • 7 Motorized Rage Story Cards
  • 12 Street Race District Cards
  • 5 Vehicle Challenger Card
  • 1 Night City Tour Story Card

Let’s explore the different features this expansion brings to the game.

Vehicles add a brand new mechanic to Gangs of Night City. With different abilities and uses, you'll need to save up some scratch to buy these sweet rides for your crew.  Players can purchase their vehicles through the Vehicle Market Board which is placed near the Edgerunner and Opportunity decks for ease of access but are not tied to the Techie action.

On a RECLAIM, you’re given a chance to purchase a vehicle from the market by paying its associated costs. Collect the vehicle card and figure, placing a colored base under the figure. It now belongs to your gang and you immediately trigger any “When Purchased” effects.

Vehicles move with any friendly unit and follow them from one district to another. This means they're not tied to any specific unit type and can be utilized by any member of your gang.

Like drones, vehicles are lost and sent back to the market when there are no friendly units in the same district. Use this knowledge to your advantage and plan your firefights accordingly. You may just be able to relieve your opponents of their hard earn wheels.

Each vehicle comes with its own ability, and each gang can have up to 2 vehicles, so carefully choose the ones that complement your play style.

Let’s look at each of the vehicles in this expansion.

A cheap, heavy-duty truck with a robust engine, the Zeya has been sought the world over. On top of hauling goods over long freight trips, it’s also a perfect place to stash some illegal goods. 

Whenever you move the Zeya during your turn, gain 1 Contraband. Cheap and extremely effective if you are constantly repositioning your units around Night City. With this ability, you're able to gain up to 2 Contraband per ACTIVATE.

3D render of Kaukaz Zeya, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

Equipped with fireproof parts components and an armored body, there’s no better vehicle to bring to a firefight than the Hella. Your opponents are going to want to find some cover when they see you cruising in this ride.

The Archer Hella is fantastic for gangs that have invested in Upgrade Combat cards. When you move a Solo and initiate a firefight, you get to take back a used combat card from your discard pile at the end of that fight. Used correctly, you'll be able to use your single most powerful Combat card in every firefight.

3D render of Archer Hella, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

Just driving the Quadra Turbo-R around will turn the heads of everyone on the streets. When the Turbo-R moves, you just earn eddies! That's what living the Night City high life is all about.

You're also considered to control a Fixer Point of Interest when you buy it. This car earns you so much clout, anyone will just about work with you because you own it!

3D render of Quadra Turbo-R, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

A mass-produced Japanese micro-car, the Maimai's a total workhorse. It transports 1 unit to an adjacent district at the start of your every ACTIVATE, automatically. This allows you to position your crew better without spending a single Action token.

What's more, given that it’s cheaply made and available everywhere, chances are no one wants to steal it. This inconspicuous car will not be lost even if you leave it alone in a district.

3D render of MaiMai, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

The most powerful, street-legal car allowed on Night City roads, the Rayfield Caliburn is the crème de la crème of vehicles. With its sleek and luxurious exterior coupled with its sporty and aerodynamic design, you will be the envy of everyone who sets their eyes on this beast, assuming you slow down long enough for them to look.

You gain Street Cred whenever you drive this car with a friendly Edgerunner. Only the best, for the best. Your mercs will thank you later.

3D render of Rayfield Caliburn, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

More than just a utility vehicle, there’s more than enough space at the back of the Villefort Columbus to build your own portable Netrunning Rig, making it handy for gangs who are more Net-focused.

If you move the Columbus with a Netrunner unit, during that Netrun, you get to dive an extra step in the Net. Always good to have a portable rig handy!

3D render of Villefort Columbus, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

For the fastest and most expensive bike available, you’re going to need superhuman reflexes to avoid flying into a traffic light at 100MPH while making a sharp turn! 

The Kusanagi transports 1 friendly unit to any district within Night City at the start of your every ACTIVATE. Speed is of the essence when you want to dominate Night City, and this bike will get you there. Pedal to the metal!

3D render of Kusanagi, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

The Aerondight is the pinnacle of hypercar luxury and performance. It is also synonymous with wealth and status for a good reason - the price of one exceeds the GDP of many island nations.

When you purchase it (if you can even manage to do so), you immediately gain Street Cred. When it moves, you gain Street Cred. If an engine could run off prestige and emit fame from its exhaust, this one absolutely would.

3D render of Aerondight, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

The Minotaur is a two-legged, remote-control mech manufactured by Militech that can be equipped with, and is not limited to, a Smart variant of the Mk. 31 HMG. This machine packs some heavy automated firepower, and gains you 1 firepower in all firefights you initiate.

If you're unsure at any point if your Combat cards are good enough, the Minotaur will ensure victory over your opponents in a firefight and give you that peace of mind. 

3D render of Minotaur, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

Less car, more armored hovertank, the Basilisk is an absolute beast and will eviscerate hostiles with its mili-40L 20mm recoilless autocannon in any firefight. Your opponents would be crazy to get in a tussle with you in this thing.

Gain 1 firepower to all firefights you are involved in, and 1 extra for any of those you initiated. After enough losses, your opponents are bound to learn one simple thing: there’s no escaping the Basilisk.

3D render of Basilisk, sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

In a single action-packed story, Motorized Rage is about claiming the best rides in Night City and dominating its streets. Players are pitted against each other to purchase the best cars, aiming to dominate the streets in any way they can.

Motorized Rage makes use of special components included in the expansion: the Challenger card and the Street Race cards. Let's take a closer look at the first act of Motorized Rage. And of course, be warned that there are some spoilers ahead regarding the story.

Act 1A sets the stage for the Street Race, a competition between gangs in specific Districts, that happens at the end of the story. Act 1A determines which districts will be involved through Street Race cards, where only 1 card will be drawn for each story.

Although we'll keep the specifics of the race secret, as intended by the story, we advise players to keep in mind which Districts the race will occur in throughout the game, as control of these districts will definitely be beneficial when the race starts.

Act 1A also introduces Challenger cards, allowing players to upgrade their street vehicles by spending any resource at the end of an ACTIVATE. While upgrading your car is important, it also means fewer resources for your gang overall. No point in winning the race just to lose the gang war, so balance is key. 

Act 1B then takes the game to another level. Besides purchasing vehicles from the market board, players will be able to klep a car through the Net. Players who Netrun are awarded immensely once they reach the ORANGE Net step, gaining a 'free' car, or selling it back to the market for 2 Eurodollars. Whatever gonk owns that car's gonna regret not getting his car insured.

But take note, there are fewer cars in the Garage than there are players, so not everyone will be able to get a vehicle this way. With a limited draft of Garage cars, players will be in a mad rush to get the best ones and not be left in the dust.

Of course, the Street Race will definitely be a great way to earn Street Cred, but if your vehicles are not up to scratch in terms of speed, other less conventional “vehicles” may just help you take over the streets in a more… confrontational manner. 

At last, but certainly not least, the Motor Pool expansion also comes with the Claire Russel Edgerunner. Simply add her to your existing deck of Edgerunners and you're ready to play!

Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

When she’s not moonlighting as a bartender in the Afterlife, Claire Russell runs her own auto shop in Arroyo. Always tinkering and working on various vehicles, she is a capable Techie and auto mechanic.  

When you hire and put her into play, she builds a drone, like any other Techie. However, because she’s such a grease monkey, she'll give you the choice to gain a free vehicle instead of a drone from the market. Sweet deal! 

3D render of Claire Russell, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.

If you want to get a chill ride to impress the mob, your crew, and even rival gangs alike, make sure to add this Kickstarter Exclusive expansion to your pledge for $40!

Until the next one, C-YA!

Week in Review
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 03:23:44 AM

Hey, choomba!

Another week is coming to an end, which means it's time again for our week in review! Join us tomorrow, July 1st at noon EST, to go through this week's revealed and unlocked Stretch Goals as well as our recently revealed Gang Wars Optional Buy, get into details regarding the gameplay, and maybe a sneak peek into what is coming next! You can join us on Youtube or Facebook!

Until the next one, C-YA.

I’m the Same Person!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 04:47:05 AM

Hey, choomba!

We're ready to band together and take on NCPD with the Heist Plan story unlocked.

Our next Stretch Goal has you seeing double with this pair of Solo Edgerunners.

If we reach $485k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Esquerdo Certo and Certo Esquerdo for all backers, including his figure and Edgerunner card!

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

The brothers Certo and Esquerdo, formally known as Paul and Will, consider themselves to be 1 single entity. Always ready for a fight, Certo and Esquerdo moves whenever you initiate a firefight. 

3D render of Certo Esquerdo brothers, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

 While they think may think of themselves as 1 person, they are TECHNICALLY 2 bodies and will be treated as such when counting for Dominance. They'll tip the edge of District Dominance during your RECLAIM, so make sure to position them wisely.

  Until the next one, C-YA.