
[late pledge] Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City - The Board Game

Created by CMON

Take control of ruthless gangs vying for dominance over the criminal underworld in the glittering hellhole that is Night City.

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No Job Too Dirty
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 06, 2022 at 06:56:55 PM

Hey, choomba!

Our story continues to unfold as we approach the last 48 hours. We've just unlocked another Stretch Goal!

In case you missed it, we've recently announced our last Optional Buy expansion: Side Gig!

And with it, the new all-in Legend Pledge has also been introduced to bring you all the expansions for a $20 discount!

You may recognize that custom iron in our next Stretch Goal.

If we reach $620k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Jeremiah Grayson for all backers, including his figure and Edgerunner card!

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

Jeremiah is a Solo Edgerunner and holds his ground if he’s established his place of trade. If he controls a Business Point of Interest, he is not kicked out of it when firefights are initiated.

3D render of Jeremiah Grayson, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

Until the next one, C-YA.

How ’bout I Tell You a Joke?
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 06, 2022 at 06:56:26 PM

Hey there, stranger!

As we enter the last 48 hours of the campaign, another Stretch Goal is unlocked and Jeremiah Grayson joins our roster!

Our next Stretch Goal is your friendly, neighborhood S.C.S.M. – and the nicest A.I. in all of Night City!

If we reach $650k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Brendan for all backers, including its figure and Edgerunner card!

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

If it isn’t obvious, Brendan is a vending machine. This means, well... that he behaves like one. Mostly. He can’t really move from the district he’s placed in.

However, at the end of your RECLAIM, if you have a friendly unit hanging out with Brendan, you gain a sweet, refreshing, lightly carbonated, beverage on the house!

Oh, and some very satisfactory Street Cred, of course. 

3D render of Brendan, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives

Until the next one, C-YA.

Mind if I Give You a Reading?
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 06, 2022 at 09:12:29 AM

Hey, choomba!

Brendan couldn't be happier to be unlocked as we've crossed the $650k mark and he may just offer you a NiCola, on the house.

We also have 2 more painted figures from BigChild Creatives to showcase. These are from the Gang Wars Expansion: the Scavenger Solo and the Scavenger Techie.

Fortune favors the bold, the brave, and the clairvoyant for our next Stretch Goal. 

If we reach $680k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Misty Olszewski for all backers, including her figure and Edgerunner card!

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

Misty’s a wild card and her ability reflects that completely. Her ability is triggered whenever she's in a firefight, and the more you know about your opponents, the better her ability will serve you.

As a Specialist Edgerunner, if she’s ever involved in a firefight, you get to predict your opponent’s firepower. Chances are slim, but if you do so correctly, mystic forces come into play, reducing their firepower to 0 for the combat. 

3D render of Misty, sculpted by Irek Zieliński.

Until the next one, C-YA.

Side Gig Expansion and the Legend Pledge!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 04, 2022 at 10:12:48 AM

Wake the heck up, Samurais! We've got a quest for you!

Fixers are intermediaries, middlemen between mercs and clients. They provide clients with tried-and-true professionals while offering mercs regular gigs and a sure payout. They work with a code of honor, never leaving you high and dry if you work for them. The same goes both ways. Never, EVER, try to double-cross your fixer.

For $35, the Kickstarter Exclusive Side Gig Expansion adds Fixers and Engrams to your games of Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City! 2 special Edgerunners will also be making an appearance in this expansion: Shaitan and Spider Murphy!

The Side Gig Expansion comes with:

  • 7 Fixer Figures
  • 7 Fixer Cards
  • 2 Engram Figures
  • 2 Engram Cards
  • 2 Edgerunner Figures
  • 2 Edgerunner Cards
  • 1 Night City Tour Story Bonus Card
  • 1 Engram Module Rules
  • 1 Fixer Module Rules

Let’s explore the different features this expansion brings to the game!

The Fixers of Night City are here! Each of the 7 fixers in the Side Gig Expansion keeps to their own district. While they're not directly hirable like Edgerunners, players may establish connections with them, gaining their unique ability and perks.

To show that a Fixer is present in a District, place its figure onto the Fixer Point of Interest at the start of the game. They will remain there for the duration of the game. 

 To gain a specific Fixer ability, all the player needs to do is control that Fixer's Point of Interest. Any effect that Fixer may have is immediately applied to that player, as long as they have control over the Point of Interest.

As Fixer Points of Interest are spread across either side of the game board, the selection of Fixers in a particular game is determined by the player count, and not all districts will have Fixers in each game. Choose wisely and invest; these Fixers will never let you down.

Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

Dino Dinovic owns the bar Electric Orgasm in Downtown NC. His network of clients can get you help where you need it, reorganizing your team at will. Need a Netrunner and have more Techies than you know what to do with? Holler at Dino to get them swapped! By controlling City Center’s Fixer Point of Interest, you can swap any friendly unit type with another during your ACTIVATE.

Dino's ability to reorganize your crew lets you make on-the-fly adjustments to your unit roster and gives you an adaptive edge to face whatever opposing gangs may throw at you.

3D render of Dino Dinovic, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

Sebastian “Padre” Ibarra operates out of The Glen, Heywood and is highly respected by his people. If you get in his good books by controlling the Heywood Fixer Point of Interest, you’ll be sure Padre gets the word out to the streets about your crew, gaining Street Cred every ACTIVATE if you own at least 2 Edgerunners.

Padre rewards those with Edgerunners in their crew. To get his perk early, hire cheap Edgerunners early in the game to rack up the Street Cred from Padre, if you can. 

3D render of Sebastian ‘Padre’ Ibarra, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

“El Capitan” is Santo Domingo’s most well-known fixer. He knows how to hook you up with the right people to get you exactly what you need. When you upgrade your combat cards with him by controlling a Fixer Point of Interest in Santo Domingo, you’ll be able to draw more cards — and from the bottom of the upgrade deck instead.

Muamar Reyes is going to help you with Combat Upgrades. While he may be less useful if you already have an ability like this such as with the Maelstrom, other less combative gangs may find that Muamar could just give them an extra boost to their Combat cards.

3D render of Muamar ‘El Capitan’ Reyes, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

Wakako is the fixer to look for in Westbrook, specifically in Japantown where her office is. When you’ve gained her favor by claiming Westbrook’s Fixer Point of Interest, your grudges become hers. Anytime you lose a unit in a firefight, you can simply pay her eddies and she’ll put out a hit on any basic unit in that district.

No job too big, no hit undoable. If you have the eddies, Wakako will deal with your problems. If you are working with Wakako, any opposing gang would think twice before jumping into a firefight with you.

3D render of Wakako Okada, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

Dakota can be found spending time in her own garage in the Rocky Ridge plains out in the Badlands. While she considers herself a Nomad, she stays put and calls herself “a Static”, taking care of those who come and go. 

If you get on her good side and control the Fixer Point of Interest in the Badlands, she’ll provide you with Eddies and Contraband if you begin your turn without any resources. And since you would've been fighting to control the Badlands Point of Interest, you most likely will need the extra resources Dakota will be offering you.

3D render of Dakota Smith, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

Faraday is the go-to fixer in Pacifica, where you can find him to curry favor. Don’t mistake his calm exterior for his easygoing attitude; he is anything but. Precise, cold, and cunning, Faraday calculates for every variable in every plan, expecting nothing less than perfection from his hired hands.

Despising deviation from his designs, he rewards you with Corporate Secrets if you started a turn with your Wild action spent.

3D render of Faraday, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Illustration by Stefan Kopinski

Regina Jones operates out of Yaiba Tower in Kabuki, Watson. As a former media, she has an extensive network of contacts, which she’ll use to your advantage. At the end of your RECLAIM, she can help you gain some extra Street Cred if you need the help.

Let's face it, most RECLAIMs will not grant you 3 Street Cred. Regina's ability will definitely net you at least 1 extra Street Cred on your RECLAIMs.

3D render of Regina Jones, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

Digital engrams are constructs of consciousness created with the Soulkiller Program. By copying the neural engrams of individuals, they were able to extract the personalities into Relics, “securing their soul” at the cost of killing them. Eventually, with a modified version and its lethality reduced, celebrities, politicians, and important individuals use the Soulkiller for their own gains, believing it to be a path to immortality.

The Engram Module is a plug 'n' play system that adds 2 such Relics into the Opportunity deck of your games. Engrams are powerful objects and work differently from a standard Opportunity when obtaining them. With only 2 cards in the entire deck, you would be remiss if you do not grab it immediately when you see one.

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

"Test of a person's true value? Death - facing it, staring it down."

When you seize Johnny Silverhand’s Engram, it becomes attached to a friendly unit. While the relic doesn’t enhance that unit’s ability in any way, if that unit is ever killed or lost, you immediately gain 3 Street Cred and the Engram is permanently removed from the game. This is an absolute surge in Street Cred that could potentially win you the game.

3D render of Johnny Silverhand, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

When you seize this Opportunity and obtain this relic, Alt Cunningham’s engram is embedded permanently within one of your built hideouts as her digital ghost lives within the Net. Living up her name as the best Netrunner in Night City, Alt dominates the Net and you are considered to be controlling an extra Datafortress when you have Dominance in her district. This will grant you additional Corporate Secrets whenever you go on a Netrun.

3D render of Alt Cunningham, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.

Shaitan and Spider Murphy are making a special appearance in Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City! They were both a part of Rogue’s crew assisting Johnny Silverhand in the Arasaka Tower bombing of 2023. You can now hire them as Edgerunners by simply adding their cards to your Edgerunner deck.

Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

 Shaitan is a Solo Edgerunner and one helluva survivor. If ever you were to lose Shaitan in a firefight, he simply moves into an adjacent district to recuperate.

This is not counted as having lost a unit — which bodes poorly for gangs with any “if the opponent loses a unit” abilities. On the other hand, if you have any “if you lose a unit” abilities, those will be mitigated as well.

3D render of Shaitan, sculpted by Irek Zieliński.
Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

 As a Netrunner, Spider Murphy is a cut above the rest. Like a spider with flies caught in her web, she taps into other Netrunners within her network to make use of them. You gain 1 Street Cred for every opposing Netrunner in Spider Murphy’s district whenever you start a Netrun.

If your opponent has multiple Netrunners out on the board and they're heavily Net-focused, Spider Murphy can turn that advantage against them. If at any time they bunch their Netrunners together, Spider Murphy can use that to gain a whole bunch of Street Cred. The more the merrier.

3D render of Spider Murphy, sculpted by Irek Zieliński.

 If you want a professional to handle your negotiations, organize your crew, and work with dangerous artifacts beyond your understanding, be sure to add this Expansion to your pledge! 

But that's not all, choom!

Go All-in and become a Night City Legend!

Along with this final expansion, we are closing in on the final 48 hours of the campaign! Reaching this mark, we'd like to offer our backers a convenient and economical way to get everything they've seen in the campaign with a single All-In Legend Pledge for Gangs of Night City!

The All-In Legend Pledge includes:

  • Cyperpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City Core Box
  • Families and Outcasts expansion + 1 Kickstarter Exclusive Edgerunner
  • Kickstarter Exclusive Gang Wars expansion
  • Kickstarter Exclusive Motor Poor expansion
  • Kickstarter Exclusive Side Gig expansion
  • And all unlocked Stretch Goals

The total cost for the base pledge and every expansion bought separately would be $280, but backing at the Legend Pledge will net you a $20 discount on the total price down to $260!

There's still some time left to the campaign, let's unlock as many Stretch Goals as we can! 

Until the next one, C-YA!

Connection: Stable. Diving in 3… 2… 1…
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 04, 2022 at 03:45:01 AM

Hey, choomba!

Call me crazy, but we just got William Hare unlocked and added to the roster!

NetWatch’s had enough of Netrunners snooping around corporate networks. Their corporate backers have gifted them some preem new programs, including upgraded ICE. Let’s keep an eye out for Net agents and try to stay clear of their radar... for now.

If we reach $560k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Net Protection Story for all backers!

With new anti-personnel ICE installed, the Net becomes an unrecognizable minefield in Net Protection. With a brand-new Net board replacing the existing Net, all gangs and their Netrunners will need to update their cyberdeck and software to keep up with the new and deadly rules of the game. Only the best ‘runners will make it out in one piece.

And before we go on to explore what this new story brings to the game, please be warned that the story cards will be revealed, so a *SPOILER ALERT* is due. 

Several things change the way the game is played in Net Protection. First, and the largest impact, is that there is a new Net tile included that replaces the existing Net in its entirety. This is the BEHIND THE CURTAIN tile.

BEHIND THE CURTAIN is a maze of a Net with branching pathways. Specific routes allow you to go deeper into the Net, but some branches that halt your progress grant effects that may be advantageous to you. And if at any point, you do not have any Netrunners, you're kicked to the start of the Net.

So, make sure your Netrunners are up to the task to maneuver through this new and deadly jungle. 

Net Protection will also make use of this specific Retaliation deck. As if NetWatch was not terrifying enough, the consequences for failure are much worse and more varied. The Retaliation deck gives players 5 Depth Danger Cards that have random effects, which you will only find out after failing your NetWatch roll. With multiple agents on a constant lookout, you do NOT want to be spotted here. 

As information exchange becomes harder, the Opportunity market becomes shrouded as dealers are warier about revealing their business operations. Opportunities are all drawn facedown, making it difficult for all players to know or foresee what is on the market.

Players may attempt to seize a facedown Opportunity at random, but failing to do so will lose them Street Cred and cause the Opportunity to be lost. The smarter option is to have your Netrunners delve into the Net for more information, peeking at specific Opportunity cards to see if they're worth anything to your gang. Crossing a peek symbol on the BEHIND THE CURTAIN tile will do just that.

In these uncertain times, only the best 'runners will make it. Will you adapt and thrive in this new environment, or fall behind and wither away into obscurity?

Until the next one, C-YA.