
[late pledge] Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City - The Board Game

Created by CMON

Take control of ruthless gangs vying for dominance over the criminal underworld in the glittering hellhole that is Night City.

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Cyberpunk at Lucca & White Samples - Expansions
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 12:56:44 AM

Hey choomba!

This past week CMON was at the Lucca Comics & Games convention in Lucca, Tuscany. We invited incredibly talented artists that have that contributed with us on several of our games for special signing events, displayed resins, plastic, and painted samples of upcoming games, and also had the opportunity to run special demos of games, which included a demo of Cyberpunk: Gangs of Night City, and we have received great feedback! If you managed to drop by, we hope you had a great time!

Here are some pictures of the event!

White Samples - Expansions

On our last update, we checked and approved the white sample for the Exclusive Core Box. This week, we'll take a look at the remainder of the expansions. As a reminder, these are purely the materials of print components and there are no figures, vacuum tray, or plastic components.

Families and Outcasts

 The Families and Outcasts Expansion comes with 2 gangs, a Badlands board, and a new story.

As previously shown, the L-shaped Badlands map will wrap around the bottom-right of the main board.

While the final board will have a custom diecut, this white sample is to check the general shape and quality of cardboard. Within the box you'll see the L-shape Badlands map.

The rest of the printed components include:

  • 2 Gang Dashboards
  • 14 Poker Cards (Starting Cards, Gang Behaviors, and Badlands Opportunity Cards)
  • 12 Dixit Cards (Module and Story Cards)

Gang Wars

 The Gang Wars expansion comes with 3 new gangs: Moxes, Scavengers, and the Animals.

 The print components that come with this are expansion are:

  • 1 Punchboard (Gang Tokens and Animals Special Token)
  • 3 Dashboards 
  • 12 Poker Cards (Gang Behaviors and Scavenger Opportunity Cards)
  • 1 Dixit Card (Scavenger Module)

Motor Pool

The Motor Pool Expansion comes with 10 vehicles and Claire Russell, along with its own Vehicle-based story.

The print components included are:

  • 1 2-fold Vehicle Market
  • 34 Poker Cards (Street Race, Vehicles Opportunity and Challenges, and Edgerunner Cards)
  • 9 Dixit Cards (Module and Story Cards)

For the Vehicle Board, we were given 2 options for the cut: Wrapped Edge, and Kiss Cut.

Between the two, the wrapped edge had a more premium feel and was more durable along the edge, so we decided to move forward with that option.

Side Gig

 The Side Gig Expansion comes with 2 Edgerunners, 2 Engrams, and 7 Fixers.

The print components included are:

  • 11 Poker Cards (Fixer, Edgerunner, and Engram Cards)
  • 3 Dixit Cards (Module Cards and Night City Story Bonus)

And that's it for today's update. All the items measure up and we've approved the white samples. This may seem like a mundane part of the process, but dimensions, card count, and quality are extremely important to assess and approve, as this is how the end product will feel.

In the meantime, we're knee-deep in finalizing graphic design and vac tray layouts, as well as working on resins. We'll have more to show you in the upcoming updates!

Until the next one, C-YA.

White Samples - Exclusive Core Box
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 04:12:13 AM

Hey choomba!

It's another week and production is continuing to move along. With the Pledge Manager closed, we have the production numbers locked in. This is important for various estimates and calculations that we'll need to do leading up to mass production.

As more resins are coming in, we're giving feedback to the manufacturers and they are steadily tweaking and updating them across the board. So while we're working on the various resins, we also started to request white samples, the first of which came in this week!

In the final campaign update, we announced that we would be bundling the Stretch Goals together with the Core Box into a single large exclusive box for all backers.

This exclusive box will hold all the miniatures and cards combined, coming in at 320 x 320 x 140 mm! At this stage, without the vacuum trays and miniatures, we'll only get to see the print components. We're looking for the card and board quality, as well as getting a feel of what the weight is for the final product.

We estimated that we'll need 3 thick punchboards to hold the 184 tokens this game has.

We'll also have a 28pp rulebook, as well as 5 Gang Dashboards. At 420gsm, they feel thick and hardy.

And the decks of cards. While blank, they still serve as a good gauge when fitting and estimating physical spaces.

All in all, the white sample was good and the box was sturdy.  We see no pressing concerns and have approved this. Using these box dimensions, our manufacturers will be able to create a fitting vacuum tray, which we'll review sometime in the future.

And that's it for this week. Until the next one, C-YA.

Resin Samples - Side Gig Expansion
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 04:52:40 PM

Hey choomba!

This week, we're taking a look at the resins from the Side Gig expansion, which introduces the Fixer and Engram Modules into your game! This expansion also includes 2 special Edgerunners: Shaitan and Spider Murphy, who were part of the infamous crew that raised hell at the Arasaka Towers in 2023.

And if you missed any of our previous resin sample updates, you can find them all here:

And a reminder to all backers that the Pledge Manager is closing soon! Remember to confirm and submit your survey by October 9, 2022!

Completing the survey is the most important part of ensuring that you receive your pledge.

MAKE SURE TO PAY AND SUBMIT YOUR SURVEY BY THE DEADLINE. Please be advised that this is the final deadline to guarantee your pledge and that we will produce based on the number of confirmed orders in Backerkit. If you fail to confirm your survey by the deadline, we will be completely unable to offer you a pledge later.

All details and important Pledge Manager information can be found in a previous update here. Now with the update for today!

With the Engram and Fixer modules in this expansion being plug-and-play, it opens your options in both Single Player and Multiplayer games.  If you want to see the original reveal and read more about each character and how the different modules work, you can find that update here. Otherwise, here are the resin samples for the Side Gig Expansion.

Johnny Silverhand (Engram)

Alt Cunningham (Engram)

Spider Murphy
Dino Dinovic

Sebastian “Padre” Ibarra

Muamar ‘El Capitan’ Reyes

Wakako Okada

Dakota Smith


Regina Jones

And those are the resins for this expansion! Mix and match different modules across your games to build the Night City you want!

What Expansion are you looking forward to the most? Until the next one, C-YA.

Resin Samples - Motor Pool Expansion
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 11:54:29 PM

Hey choomba!

We're continuing to show more resin samples. This week, we'll be taking a look at the Motor Pool Expansion! If you would like to see the original reveal, you can find that update here. And if you've missed any of our previous resin updates, please find them here:

 Before we get to the meat of this update, please remember that the Pledge Manager will close on October 9, 2022, so make sure you confirm and submit your survey by the deadline!

Completion of the survey is the single most important part of ensuring that you receive your pledge.

MAKE SURE TO PAY AND SUBMIT YOUR SURVEY BY THE DEADLINE. Please be advised that this is the final deadline to guarantee your pledge and that we will produce based on the number of confirmed orders in Backerkit. If you fail to confirm your survey by the deadline, we will be completely unable to offer you a pledge later.

All details and important Pledge Manager information can be found in a previous update here. Now, on with today's content!

Before we show the resins, let's take a quick look at the decision process behind the sculpting the Vehicles. Since these are an entirely new type of unit, we were free to play around with the base sizes.

Up until that point, our roster of unit types was:

  • Basic units with 3 base shapes (hexagon, octagon, square)
  • Edgerunner round bases
  • Drone tokens that were translated to 3D to have drone pegs
  • Fixer rounded square bases
base shape lineup

Before we could figure out what to do for the Vehicles, first we needed to make an assessment of the unit's purpose and the interactions it has with players and the board.

  • Vehicles are for traveling and moving units between districts
  • Vehicles can be purchased by any player
  • Players need to know which Vehicles belong to them through color bases

Since Vehicles are similar to Edgerunners, as they need to be marked with color bases,  and they are also neutral units until chosen by a Gang, we decided to make them with the same neutral gray color and round bases. 

The next step was to determine the size of the bases. For that, we looked at the extreme-most possible  scenario. This would simulate:

  • A 5-player game
  • Players congregate in the smallest District, City Center
  • Every one of the 10 Vehicles has been purchased
  • Each of the 5 players moves at least 3 units into City Center.

Although this extreme scenario shouldn't appear in a real gameplay situation, we still use it to make sure that even if it did, the sizes we are using still allow for all components to fit on the zone. And, since this is the most extreme possibility, any other possible gameplay situations would also be covered by this assessment.

Night City is otherwise completely barren.

The next step then was to look at the roster and determine the Vehicle scales. Considering we had a wide range of Vehicles, we needed to adapt each scale to look the best on the selected base size. The extremes in size we found from our roster were the Kusanagi and the Basilisk

Kusanagai and Basilisk WIP

Working with the base size chosen, we made sure to restrain the scales of the largest Vehicles, and at the same time, making sure that the base would still work for the smallest ones, dedicating extreme attention to each individual Vehicle to present them in the best possible way.

Now, let's take a look at the results!

Kaukaz Zeya
Villefort Columbus
Quadra Turbo-R
Archer Hella NCPD
Rayfield Caliburn
Rayfield Aerondight

And of course, let's not forget Claire Russell, an Edgerunner filled with Vehicle-based abilities. exclusive to this expansion. 

Claire Russell

And that's all we have for today. Let us know what you're most excited to see in our updates!

Until the next one, C-YA.

Resin Samples - Core Box Edgerunners + Families and Outcasts Expansion
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 04:35:41 AM

Hey choomba!

This week, we'll be taking a look at the resins from the Families and Outcasts expansion. We'll be able to see both the Aldecaldos and Wraiths, as well as the Kickstarter-exclusive Panam Palmer.

Before we get with it, a quick reminder that the Pledge Manager will close on October 9, 2022, so make sure you confirm and submit your survey by the deadline!

Completion of the survey is the single most important part of ensuring that you receive your pledge.

MAKE SURE TO PAY AND SUBMIT YOUR SURVEY BY THE DEADLINE. Please be advised that this is the final deadline to guarantee your pledge and that we will produce based on the number of confirmed orders in Backerkit. If you fail to confirm your survey by the deadline, we will be completely unable to offer you a pledge later.

All details and important Pledge Manager information can be found in our previous update here

Now, on with today's content!

In a previous update, we looked at the Gangs and Edgerunners from the Core Box. As part of today's update, let's take a closer look at the Edgerunners from the Core Box! 

Johnny Silverhand
Rogue Amendiares

Let's talk more about the miniature process.

After sculpting and digital renders, the first step is to get our manufacturers to print and prepare the resin figures. These resin figures are the first time we get to physically see and touch the miniatures. Here, we check for the scale and precisions of the miniature details, along with various other specs. This is the very first step to getting them prepared for plastic tooling and modifications. 

Jackie Welles

There are many things to look out for here that we were not previously able to. For example, to get a stronger construction, readability of details after plastic injection, and to prevent warping, there is a minimum thickness that needs to be obeyed for details like belt buckles, laces, studs, ropes, fingers, etc.

River Ward
Kerry Eurodyne

Weight distribution, mold lines, and well-supported figures are also important things to take note of during this process to ensure minimal issues down the road. For example, how much weight can a free-floating plastic arm hold? A pistol? A baseball bat? A bazooka? What is the minimal distance we can have between the torso and arm without merging the arm onto the torso? These are the sort of considerations that need to be made at this stage.

Goro Takemura

And while we may be showing them at eye level at this stage, all of them MUST look good from a top-down view, which is how they will be seen by all our players when placed on the table. We must always keep the final intention in mind.

Viktor Vektor
Judy Álvarez

And here we have the resins for the Families and Outcasts expansion gangs: The Aldecaldos and the Wraiths! You'll also get to see the Kickstarter Exclusive Panam Palmer!

Each of these gangs consists of 3 of each unit type: Solos, Techies, and Netrunners. They live and die in the Badlands, let's first take a look at the Aldecaldos!  

Aldecaldos Solo
Aldecaldos Techie
Aldecaldos Netrunner

 And here are the Wraiths!

Wraiths Solo
Wraiths Techie
Wraiths Netrunner

Last but not least, this expansion also includes the KS exclusive Panam Palmer with Overwatch, her huge Sniper Rifle, slung over her shoulder.

Panam Palmer

Separately, we're working on the Badlands board and its construction now, which we'll show in a future update. We're taking various notes for resin feedback to the manufacturer this time. With modifications then underway, we'll be able to receive a new batch of resins soon for approval!

Until the next one, C-YA.