
[late pledge] Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City - The Board Game

Created by CMON

Take control of ruthless gangs vying for dominance over the criminal underworld in the glittering hellhole that is Night City.

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Single Player Mode and TTS Demo Release!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 03:12:34 AM

Hey, choomba!

At the start of the campaign we unlocked the Single Player Mode Stretch Goal, which was added directly to the Gangs of Night City core box, as well as the Kickstarter Exclusive V Edgerunner Single Player variant components. Today, we'd like to take a deeper look at the mode. But before, we have an exciting announcement to make.

We're officially publishing a public Tabletop Simulator demo for Gangs of Night City! 

We know that you have been curious about the gameplay so we decided to let you experience it first hand! 

 The TTS Demo features the 4 Gangs available in the core box, as well as the game tutorial, The Cost of Success story - which awards a spoiler alert for those looking to only experience this with the game in hands, and the Single Player Mode. 

Make sure to access the Tabletop Simulator Module here

Please note that components and rules are not final subject to change.

Now let's delve deeper into the Single Player mode!

Here are the components for the Single Player mode added to the core box:

  • 1 Story Slot Summary Card
  • 1 Solo Summary Card
  • 6 Random District Cards
  • 4 Gang Behavior Cards
  • Johnny Profile Card
  • 1 Johnny Street Cred Token
  • 1 Net Space Replacement Token

The Kickstarter Exclusive V Edgerunner Single Player variant also unlocked 2 V Profile cards to the Edgerunner pledge rewards.

In Single Player mode, you are pitted against an opposing Gang and an Edgerunner (Johnny or either V's) in a free-for-all for Night City. Similar to the multiplayer mode, the faction with the most Street Cred wins.

The gameplay differences start with the setup. First, some Edgerunner cards must be first removed from the game: Johnny or V's Edgerunner cards, whichever one is acting as your opponent and hence cannot be hired, and Goro's Edgerunner card, as his ability specifically targets an opponent's player's hand.

In addition, there's a Net ability that targets a Combat card from an opponent's hand. Simply place the Net Replacement token on top of that step to rewrite its ability for the Single Player Mode.

Select 1 Gang and either Johnny or V to play against. Your opponents only require their specific Edgerunner Profile and Gang Behavior cards and their Street Cred tokens. The opposing gang also uses their figures but does not use need their dashboard, action tokens, Net token, or starting combat cards.

The setup for your gang remains the same. Ensure that you have 1 of each Basic Unit and Hideout in your starting district, and your 4 starting Combat cards in hand. For starting resource, you will start with 1 Eurodollar and 1 Contraband.

You'll also need to set up your opposing gang's figures and hideout in their starting District and place the Edgerunner in City Center.

Note: Modules such as Trauma Team or Scavengers can be also added during setup. Gangs that start in the Badlands will require the Badlands board to be set up, as well. 

The two core actions you take on your turn remain the same but in Single Player mode, your opponents will react based on which action turn you take:

  •  Johnny/V will react when you ACTIVATE, performing their actions in 1 District.
  • The opposing Gang will react when you RECLAIM, performing actions in 3 Districts.

The Districts in which you opponents perform their actions are determined by random District cards you draw.

When Johnny/V activate, they move into 1 District and completely dominate it. That's how good they are.

  • If you're present in the District, they're gonna pick a fight with you, along with anyone else there. If they win the combat, ALL other units are killed.
  • If there're opposing gang units but you're not there, Johnny/V will take their time to wipe those gangers out completely and claim an Opportunity.
  • And if Johnny/V is alone in a District, they have free reign to go on a side quest spree, seizing all Opportunities from the market and earning a ton load of Street Cred.

What's worse, the Johnny/V cannot be killed in a firefight, remaining in a District even if they lose a firefight. They may also have special abilities that earn them Street Cred at the end of a firefight, which is determined by their Profile cards.

The choices are grim and you will find yourself facing an insurmountable obstacle. All you can do is hope they mind their own business elsewhere and maybe help take out some of your enemies for you. 

Example of opposing Edgerunner Profile card

The Opposing Gang is just as much of a challenge when they activate. They do their best to spread out their crew, harassing you along the way. First draw 3 District cards. Then, for each District drawn, recruit a basic unit of the Opposing Gang based on the gang's recruiting priority. This will cause different things to happen depending if you have Presence the District:

  • If you don't have Presence in the District, the gang gains Street Cred.
  • If you have Presence and there's an opposing Techie, either lose a resource or the opposing gang gains Street Cred. Then, the top Opportunity card is removed from the game.
  • If you have Presence and there's an opposing Netrunner, you move 1 step back on the Net.
  • If you have Presence and there's an opposing Solo, the opposing gang initiates a firefight.

All relevant effects stack and are applied to you, which means that occupying Districts at the same time as multiple opposing units mean multiple harmful effects. This means if you ever leave an opposing gang unchecked, their abilities will start to overwhelm and eventually cripple you.

Each opposing gang also has an ability unique to the gang, defined by their Gang Behavior card, that grants them bonuses. Don't think for a moment they're pushovers.

Example of a Gang Behavior card

Combat is pretty straight forward when playing Single Player Mode.

If Johnny/V initiated the firefight, they draw 3 Upgrade Combat cards and pick the one with the highest firepower.

If the Opposing Gang initiates the firefight, they draw 2 Upgrade Combat cards and pick the one with the highest firepower.

Also, an opposing gang can never defeat the Johnny/V, so if you're not involved in a firefight between them, they will automatically wipe out the opposing gang.

And that's the quick rundown of the Single Player Mode. If you'd like to take a closer read, we have also just updated the rulebook with the Single Player rules! You can find the updated link already in the main page or right here!

 Until the next one, C-YA.

It’s an all-out Gang War!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 03:10:11 PM

Wake the hell up, Samurais!

By day, the street is the province of corporate movers and commuting beavers. But at night, the predators slither out from under their rocks and trash heaps, and the city howls. Whether it's a small pack of a dozen, or an army of two hundred, each gang in Night City is as diverse as the streets themselves; guardians, chromers, dorphers, and freaks all thrown together in a lethal cocktail, mixed and sprinkled liberally with blood. Call them gutterats, night crawlers, trash, or streetscum; the gangs are the ultimate rulers of the city's night. 

Gang Wars Optional Buy Banner, $45

For $45, the Kickstarter Exclusive Gang Wars Expansion adds 3 new playable gangs to Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City: The Animals, Moxes, and Scavengers. It also adds a special Scavengers Module which works as a separate plug 'n' play system, bringing Scavenger activity into Night City through special Scavenger Opportunity cards, creating yet another threat that players need to deal with.

The Gang Wars Expansion comes with:

  • 1 Animals Gang Dashboard
  • 9 Animals Basic Units
  • 1 Moxes Gang Dashboard
  • 9 Moxes Basic Units
  • 1 Scavenger Gang Dashboard
  • 9 Scavenger Basic Units
  • 1 Scavenger Module Card
  • 8 Scavenger Opportunity Cards
  • 3 Solo Opponent Cards
  • 28 Tokens
  • 9 Color Bases
  • 5th Player Setup Card

Let’s take a look at what this expansion offers.

The Gang Wars Expansion comes with 3 new gangs: Animals, Moxes, and Scavengers. With the addition of new Gangs, the game can also be expanded to 5 players (just as when playing with Families and Outcasts, and/or with the 6th Street Gang).

Illustrations by Stefan Kopinski

The Animals are an aggressive street-fighting gang from West Pacifica. They value raw strength above all else, avoiding traditional cyberware and enhance themselves with ultra-testosterone, animal supplements, and a steroid-like drug known as "the Juice".

When a player seizes a Braindance or Weapon Opportunity, PRIMAL STEROIDS lets them skim off the top, filling up their STASH for the next firefight encounter. If their STASH is full during a firefight, they immediately spend it to gain a boost in firepower.

3D render of Animals Solo, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives.

While this is a strong ability, it has to be used whenever full and cannot be timed. So, plan it right and line up your Techie and Solo actions to best utilize your ability. Seize an opportunity, then initiate a firefight in the most advantageous district you can find. 

3D render of Animals Techie, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives.

Animals also frequently sell off their services as bouncers, so the player can earn bonus eddies on the side whenever they perform a Wild action with BODYGUARD JOB.

3D render of Animals Netrunner, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives.
Illustrations by Stefan Kopinski

The Moxes are a particularly unique gang in Gangs of Night City. Based out of Lizzie’s Bar in Kabuki, Watson, the Moxes only have 1 hideout, keeping within their district and don’t spread their bases of operation across Night City like the other gangs.

Instead, when you take a Build Hideout action as the Moxes, you bolster Lizzie’s Bar and upgrade its amenities. Upgrade your BD catalogs to earn eddies, hire new dolls for extra units, and boost security with new iron.

FRESH MEAT is a particularly useful early game ability as it allows you to triple your recruitment without needing 3 hideouts. That lets you put out units faster than any other gang on the streets.

3D render of Moxes Solo, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives.

HARDCORE BD and PREEM IRON are more defensive combat abilities, allowing you to gain eddies after a firefight and gain firepower in firefights you didn't initiate, respectively. With these unlocked, you can simply send your units out to other districts to bait other gangs to attack you. 

3D render of Moxes Techie, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives.

Once you've upgraded your base of operation, Watson becomes Moxes territory and your safe haven mid-late game. No one in their right mind will mess with you in your home turf.

3D render of Moxes Netrunner, sculpted by Bigchild Creatives.
Illustrations by Stefan Kopinski

The Scavengers are best known for kidnapping people and forcibly harvesting their cyberware. They are an ever-present threat throughout Night City with no central district they work from. They're among the most unique and advanced gangs on the roster.

The Scavs don't have a starting District or hideouts to build. You hire units in any district you want with HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. Even more terrifying, you can spend as many resources as you have to recruit units during a RECLAIM,  potentially able to send every unit in your reserve onto the field at once. This makes the Scavengers especially dangerous, allowing you to focus your forces anywhere without restriction.

3D render of Scavengers Solo, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.

The lack of hideouts means there isn't a need for the Build Hideout action, and it's replaced here with a Wild Action. This allows you to build the Scavs however you like, focusing on whatever skills suit your fancy in that game.

This is a double-edged sword as well, as the Scavs have a losing condition that no other player has. If you have no units AND no resources at the end of your turn, you are eliminated from the game. Take extra care to keep track of your crew and your stash.

3D render of Scavengers Techie, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.

And with UNDERGROUND DEALS, you can even trade out Street Cred for resources. Merciless and immoral, the Scavengers only care about themselves and profit; childish notions like gang wars and district Dominance are beneath them.

3D render of Scavengers Netrunner, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.

Lastly, when playing with the Scavs as a gang, you have access to the Scavengers Opportunity deck which is drawn whenever you seize an Opportunity. These cards cause mayhem to all opponents while you will reap the rewards.

Feel the ever-present threat of the Scavengers. No one is safe; no gang is exempt from their terror.

Gangs Wars also introduces the Scavengers Module to your games of Gangs of Night City. When the Scavengers are not in play as a gang, this Module becomes available and is compatible with every story in the game and can be mixed with other Modules as well.

In this Module, the Scavenger Opportunity cards are shuffled into the Opportunity Deck. When they're drawn, events take place where the Scavengers rear their ugly heads to confront the players. These events range from impromptu firefights, theft, and kidnapping to illegal XBD deals. No matter what the events are, you know things won’t end well if the Scavs are involved.

If you're looking to expand your roster of gangs and gameplay possibilities, the Gang Wars has got you covered. Make sure to add this Kickstarter Exclusive expansion to your pledge for $45 to get these 3 new gangs and the Scavenger module.

Until the next one, C-YA!

Getting the Job Done
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 03:09:48 PM

Hey, choomba!

We did it!!! We just hit the 420k mark and fully unlocked the 6th Street Gang!!!

For our next Stretch Goal, this top-tier edgerunner’s gonna get the job done by any means necessary.

If we reach $440k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Rachel Casich for all backers, including her figure and Edgerunner card!

Rachel Casich’s bio banner
Illustration by Saeed Jalabi

Rachel Casich is a Specialist Edgerunner. While not a combatant herself, Rachel goes where the drama is like any hard-hitting media. When any unit is killed in any firefight, Rachel can move into that district. She also nets you Street Cred when she gets her hands dirty in a firefight.

Rachel Casich's figure banner
3D render of Rachel Casich, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

Until the next one, C-YA.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 03:09:44 PM

Hey, choomba!

Rachel is indeed a reliable edgerunner and it didn't take long for her to join us!

She did had some help though from our latest Optional Buy revealed, the Gang War expansion, which adds the The Animals, Moxes, and Scavengers Gangs to the game and a special new Module. Make sure to check it out in detail here!

Our next Stretch Goal will add a brand new story to your games of Gangs of Night City.

If we reach $460k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Heist Plan Story for all backers!

Crackdowns from the NCPD have been hurting local gang activity for far too long. Whispers in the wind talk about an NCPD vault where they've stashed all their confiscated firepower. Only one way about it if you wanna get them back; cooperate with the other gangs.

Sometimes, when gang interests align, a most unlikely partnership may occur. Heist Plan puts the gangs at work to recover their goods from the NCPD. Tension runs high in this unstable truce as gangs will still be looking out for themselves at the end of the day. Let's take a look at the first Act of the story to give you a little taste of what you'll experience! Before proceeding, be advised that the following images contain spoilers!

Your priority in the first act is to work together with the other gangs to find the NCPD vault, then gather a solid crew to raid the vault. Netrunners need to hack into NCPD's subnet to locate the vault while Techies take control of Fixer Points of Interest across Night City to hire the best Edgerunners they can find.

Everyone needs to be on high alert for the first sign of trouble, cause you know NCPD's not going to take this lying down. Once the Netrunners find where the vault is located, it's go-time. 

Until the next one, C-YA.

Pending Painted Figures - Stretch Goals
about 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 05:41:58 AM

Hey, choomba!

During the weekend we unlocked the Solo units of the 6th Street Gang and now we have just unlocked their Techies too!

6th Street Gang Solos unlocked Stretch Goal banner
6th Street Gang Techies unlocked Stretch Goal banner

And we're just 20k away from unlocking the entire Gang completely!

6th Street Gang Netrunners Stretch Goal locked banner, unlocking at $420k
6th Street Gang Components Stretch Goal locked banner, unlocking at $420k

In the meantime, let's take a moment to appreciate the amazing work of BigChild Creatives. We have just received pictures of a few Stretch Goals painted figures that we have already posted in the campaign and weren't quite ready at the time. Although the game figures come unpainted, BigChild's work is a great example of how figures can look when painted!

V Painted Figure Banner
V Edgerunner
Sandra Dorsett Painted Figure Banner
Sandra Dorsett Edgerunner
Milt Nauman Painted Figure Banner
Milt Nauman Edgerunner
Chang Hoon Nam Painted Figure Banner
Chang Hoon Nam Edgerunner
Trauma Team Painted Figure Banner
Trauma Team
Kirk Sawyer Painted Figure Banner
Kirk Sawyer Edgerunner

Until the next one, C-YA!